Tikanga o Ngākōroa / Our Local Curriculum
Ngākōroa school offers a values based education within a place based curriculum. We are focused on engaging our tamariki in meaningful learning experiences that are connected to their current world, while preparing them with the knowledge, skills and understandings that will serve them well into their future. Aotearoa New Zealand’s core curriculum subjects will be explicitly taught through the concepts of:
Tūrangawaewae (where I stand)
Kaitiakitanga (caring for people and places)
Whakapuawai (future directions for humanity)
Student creativity and curiosity sit at the centre of our learning experiences.
Strong relationships are the foundation of our teaching and learning approaches.
Nga Rau Rangatira Ma - Leadership Opportunities
We are committed to developing the skills and leadership of all Ngākōroa students to:
- Gain confidence by demonstrating their leadership abilities in real situations.
- Gain skills that will prepare them to lead in the wider communities and future workplaces.
- Develop resilience to face and cope with challenges and increase trust in their own abilities to make good choices.

Nurturing the capabilities of our senior students through a variety of opportunities including:
Service Leaders: leading with skills and passions with students groups across the school including jump jam, bookclubs, sports coaches, lunchtime games, dance, garden, craft (student interest driven).
Event Leaders: sports days, book character day, disco, assemblies, road safety, pōwhiri.
Manuhiri Hosts: welcome visitors to our kura, conducting school tours for new students, whānau and interested professionals.
Tuakana-teina: fostering mentoring relationships with younger students through learning, play, sports.
Curriculum Challenges: Epro8 challenge, Mathex.
William Pike Challenge: develop resilience and positive wellbeing, strengthen their 21st-century life skills through outdoor adventures, passion projects and community service initiatives.
Roving Reporters: community communications (social media, school assemblies) about what's happening around the school.
Sharing learning with families
Informal reporting
You can see regular updates on our learning programmes on:
- Social Media @ngakoroaschool
- Learning celebrations will happen each term, your child’s kaiako will promote these opportunities as they come up
- Huihui (assembly) will be held on a regular basis - keep an eye on the whanau calendar as whanau are always welcome.
- Hero App (see below)
Hero App Information
Hero provides regular updates on your child’s progress and learning. It shows the learning goals your child is working on, and automatically updates curriculum levels as your child achieves.
Examples of student’s work are shared for you to be able to look at and talk about together. Senior students can share their own work and help choose their goals.
Your child’s learning story stays with them throughout their time at Ngākōroa School and it can still be accessed for a trip down memory lane.
It’s an easy system for parents to access their child’s pages at any time, especially using the Hero app.