Nau mai! Welcome!
Nau mai, Haere mai and welcome to Ngākōroa School, a brand new Year 1-8 school that opened at the beginning of 2022.
Here at Ngākōroa School, strong learning relationships are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to working alongside children and their families to provide an education that meets individual needs and produces strong outcomes for the whole child, using our foundation values of Mātauranga (wisdom & knowledge), Manawanui (big heartedness), and Kaitiakitanga (protectors of all things precious). To support us with this, we have put together a dynamic, innovative and nurturing team of people to work alongside your children during their learning journey with us.
We are thrilled to be able to build connections with the families within our community to truly bring learning to life for our young people.

Foundation leadership team, (pictured left to right): Angela Pilkington, Andrea Fulton and Lisa Cavanagh.
Moemoeā – Vision
Kawea te Mātauranga ki te Whaiao ki Te Ao Marama - "Bringing learning to life"
Our vision has come directly from the idea that our namesake, the Ngākōroa Awa, was once known as 'The Life Giver'.
In essence, this vision is one that will hold us to the following principles:
- Learning is meaningful, authentic and fun - inspiring students to become lifelong learners;
- Learning is something that students actively participate in;
- Learning is connected to student's own lives;
- Learning is connect to life in our community.